February 08, 2003

Pastels Badge

[music badges]

...plus a number of others. I should really put some of these on my bag, shouldn't I?

(Psst -- Dismemberment Plan and Enon both rocked the Bowery Ballroom on Wednesday, esp. D-Plan, who I was largely unfamiliar with up until that point. Whoa. Extreme musical goodness. That Travis is quite the frontman/emcee/jokester, as well. More later. NP: Change)

Posted by nstop at February 08, 2003 02:42 AM


ever heard of this gal, christen carter??

Posted by: ron on February 8, 2003 02:41 PM

The D-Plan are something else live. You're lucky to have caught them while you can - they're splitting after this tour.

Posted by: frank on February 8, 2003 05:37 PM

Thanks for the link, Ron -- neat site. Those button-filled windows are outta control!

And yeah, D-Plan were sososososo good. I had heard only a few songs prior to seeing them, and now I wish I'd gone to the show the night before as well. The good news: according to their web site, the band will be touring one last time in early summer. I was thinking of checking out the 2/28 date in Alfred, NY... until I saw that would be located out in upstate Nowheresville south of Buffalo. Nevermind!

Posted by: nstop on February 8, 2003 11:38 PM

Not one, but TWO Mo-Dettes buttons!

Posted by: Jody on February 9, 2003 02:29 AM

aww... thanks Jen for including my pin with all the bands! ;)

Posted by: audrey on February 11, 2003 10:41 AM

i love your blog! and those pins are so cool...i wish i owned at least one :( i'll be back.

Posted by: michelle on February 17, 2003 11:46 AM