Reviews & Articles

Links to articles about the band and reviews of their shows and recordings, listed in chronological order from most recent to oldest.

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a review of Social Dancing from written by Michelle Goldberg, published August 16, 1999.

an interview with John Disco from online zine Good Stuff, published August 12, 1999.

a feature article from Addicted to Noise written by Clare Kleinedler for their April 7, 1997 edition (with sound clips, as well as the requisite photos nicked from this site, ha!).

live SF show review written by Alan Gladstone for Addicted to Noise, March 20, 1997.

short news clip written by Gil Kaufman for Addicted to Noise, January 27, 1997.

England's Dreaming of Bis as written in a column by Tim Gaskill for Addicted to Noise, January 23, 1997.

Bis sign to Grand Royal as written by Gil Kaufman for Addicted to Noise, October 10, 1996.